


List of documents delivered to the Registrar of Companies for Registration Sec 432

List and Particulars of the Directors on application for Registration

List and Particulars of the Secretaries on application for Registration

List and Particulars of the Members

List of the names and addresses of Persons Resident in Gibraltar Authorised to accept service Sec 432(c) on application for Registration

Return of Alteration to the List of Names or Addresses of the Persons Resident in Gibraltar Authorised to accept services on behalf of a Company incorporated outside Gibraltar which has established a place of business within Gibraltar (Appointments, Changes and Termination)

Return of Alterations in the List and Particulars of the Directors of a company incorporated outside Gibraltar which has established a place of business within Gibraltar (Appointments, Changes and Termination)

Return of Alterations in the List and Particulars of the Secretaries of a company incorporated outside Gibraltar which has established a place of business within Gibraltar (Appointments, Changes and Termination)

Return of Alteration in the Charter, Statutes, Memorandum or Articles of Association or other Instrument Constituting or Defining the Constitution of a Company Incorporated outside Gibraltar

Part XII — Return of Alterations in the List and Particulars of the Members of a company incorporated outside Gibraltar which has established a place of business within Gibraltar

Change of Principal Place of Business in Gibraltar

Change of Registered Office or Principal Place of Business of the company in country of origin

Striking off Application by Company